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Comprehensive-Flutter-Development-Training-in-Rajkot-at-MDIDM-Infoway Comprehensive Flutter Development Training in Rajkot at MDIDM Infoway

Comprehensive Flutter Development Training in Rajkot at MDIDM Infoway

24 January 2025

 Comprehensive Flutter Development Training in Rajkot at MDIDM Infoway

Flutter - Basic Course

Detailed Course Outline


1. Introduction to Flutter
  • What is Flutter, and why is it a game-changer in mobile app development?
  • Overview of cross-platform development and how Flutter simplifies app creation for Android and iOS with a single codebase.
  • Benefits of Flutter: Faster development with Hot Reload, a vast widget library, and a large community.
2. Installation on Various Operating Systems
  • Step-by-step setup of Flutter on popular operating systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Configuring development environments: Installing Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, and Flutter SDK.
  • Setting up emulators for Android and iOS devices to test applications.
3. First Application Creation
  • Creating your first "Hello World" application in Flutter.
  • Understanding the project structure, including lib/main.dart, pubspec.yaml, and other files.
  • Writing Dart code for basic functionality and building the app for an emulator or physical device.
4. Flutter Architecture
  • Learning about the Widget Tree, the foundation of every Flutter application.
  • Understanding how Flutter renders UI components using its rendering engine.
  • Exploring the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget.
5. Different Widgets
  • Detailed exploration of Flutter widgets like Text, Container, Row, Column, and Scaffold.
  • Widget properties: padding, margins, alignment, and decoration.
  • The concept of composable widgets to create dynamic UIs.
6. Layouts
  • Building responsive layouts using Flex, Expanded, and SizedBox.
  • Differences between single-child layouts (e.g., Container) and multi-child layouts (e.g., Row and Column).
  • Nested layouts for creating complex UI structures.
7. Gestures
  • Adding interactivity using Flutter's gesture system.
  • Handling gestures like taps, long presses, drags, and swipes with widgets like GestureDetector.
  • Combining gestures with animations for fluid interactions.
8. State Management
  • Understanding what "state" means in the context of Flutter applications.
  • Managing local state within widgets and introducing basic state management patterns like setState.
9. IDE Configuration
  • Setting up Visual Studio Code and Android Studio for seamless Flutter development.
  • Using extensions and plugins to boost productivity.
  • Debugging tools for diagnosing and resolving issues in your Flutter code.
10. Core UI Components
  • Scaffold: The backbone of your app's structure.
  • Container: Customizable boxes for layouts and decorations.
  • Row and Column: Arranging widgets horizontally and vertically.
  • Text and TextField: Displaying and capturing user input with styling options.
  • Buttons: Various button types like ElevatedButton, TextButton, and IconButton.
11. Advanced Widgets and Elements
  • Forms: Validating and submitting user input efficiently.
  • Dialog Boxes: Implementing alert dialogs, confirmation dialogs, and custom modal dialogs.
  • Icons and Images: Adding visual elements using Icon and Image widgets.
  • Lists and Grids: Displaying dynamic data using ListView, ListTile, and GridView.
12. Notifications and Feedback
  • Creating Snackbars, Tooltips, and Toast Notifications to improve user experience.
13. Animations and Navigation
  • Adding animations with AnimatedContainer and Hero.
  • Implementing navigation between screens using Flutter’s Navigator API.

Flutter Advanced Course

Detailed Course Outline

1. Recap of Flutter Basics
  • A quick review of essential Flutter concepts like widgets, layouts, and basic state management.
2. Writing Platform-Specific Code
  • Accessing device-specific features like camera, GPS, and file storage using platform channels.
  • Building custom plugins to interact with native code in Android (Kotlin/Java) and iOS (Swift).
3. Working with Flutter Packages
  • Searching, adding, and utilizing third-party packages from
  • Popular packages: http for APIs, flutter_local_notifications for notifications, and provider for state management.
4. Advanced State Management
  • Implementing Provider for efficient state management.
  • Handling global states and creating multi-provider setups.
  • Using ChangeNotifier and Consumer to update app state dynamically.
5. Backend Integration with REST APIs
  • Connecting Flutter apps with web services using RESTful APIs.
  • Sending HTTP requests, parsing JSON responses, and handling errors.
6. Firebase Integration
  • Setting up Firebase in a Flutter app.
  • Using Firebase Authentication for login and sign-up.
  • Storing and retrieving data in real-time with Firebase Firestore.
7. UI and Theme Customization
  • Implementing light and dark themes using Flutter’s ThemeData.
  • Building custom widget libraries for reusable UI components.
8. Slivers and Scroll Views
  • Creating dynamic, scrollable lists and grids using Slivers.
  • Customizing scroll behaviors for advanced user experiences.
9. Testing and Debugging
  • Writing unit tests, widget tests, and integration tests.
  • Debugging techniques with Flutter DevTools.

Flutter Advanced with Framework and UI Design

Detailed Course Outline

1. State Management with Provider
  • Creating scalable apps using Provider.
  • Building reusable widgets with ChangeNotifier.
  • Managing global states with MultiProvider.
2. UI/UX Design with Figma
  • Designing professional wireframes and prototypes.
  • Managing layers, assets, and artboards for design consistency.
  • Exporting assets and sharing designs with developers.
3. Version Control with Git and GitHub
  • Using Git for version control and collaboration.
  • Setting up repositories, creating branches, and merging changes.
4. Advanced Framework: GetX
  • Simplified state management with GetX.
  • Navigation and route management using GetMaterialApp.
  • Implementing localization and language switching.
5. REST API Integration
  • Handling API responses with error management and retry mechanisms.
  • Building apps with the MVVM architecture.
6. Firebase Advanced Features
  • Implementing Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications.
  • Using Firebase Storage for file uploads and downloads.
7. Animations and Motion
  • Adding interactive animations with AnimatedBuilder and AnimationController.
  • Building beautiful transitions using Hero animations.


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