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Familiarity-with-the-Python-Environment---Python-Files-and-Modules Familiarity with the Python Environment Python Files and Modules

Familiarity with the Python Environment Python Files and Modules

11 February 2025

 Familiarity with the Python Environment   Python Files and Modules

Familiarity with the Python Environment : Python Files and Modules

Python allows code organization through files and modules.

Python Files
•Pyhton files have a .py extension.
•They contain Python code that be executed or imported into other scripts.

•Example file :
df greet():
    print("Hello from Python!")
Python Modules
•A module is a python file containing reusable funtions and classes.
•Modules can be imported using the import statement.

•Example of importing a module:
import my_script

•Python has built-in modules like math, random and os that provide additional funtionalities.
import math

Using files and modules allows better code organizatin and reuse across projects.

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